Upcoming Voluntary Blood Donation Camp
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Our Qualities
It has since been designated as Regional Blood Transfusion Centre North West Delhi by State Blood Transfusion Council.
The Blood Centre is based on 100% Voluntary Blood donation. 100% Component separation and providing blood components without taking replacement blood donations.
The Blood Centre has world class equipment based on the latest technologies for blood grouping, infection testing and components preparation.
Lions Blood Centre , Shalimar Bagh, Delhi is the first standalone Blood Centre in the country to start NAT Testing in 2011.
We have a team of dedicated and qualified technical staff who solve difficult Cross Matching problems referred us from other blood Centre / Hospital
We use best quality consumables e.g. testing kits, reagents, blood collection and apheresis bags.

Blood Donation
Donation of blood is an selfless service that we do for mankind. We allow you to save a life by donating blood to the ones who need it.Donate Blood Save 3 Lives

Blood Storage
We store the safest blood components of all blood groups which we can use for any treatments or in an emergency.

Red Blood Cell
Lowering in the count of red blood cells could be dangerous. We also provide red blood cells for various treatments.

Platelets are only about 20% of the diameter of red blood cells. The normal platelet count is 150,000-350,000 per microliter of blood. The principal function of platelets is to prevent bleeding.

NABH Accredited
Lions Blood Centre is one of the few blood centre in the country having NABH accreditation awarded by Quality Council of India

Won Best Poster Award
Won Best Poster Award in Joint Congress of American Association of Blood Banks and Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine held in Bengluru in 2016.

National Hemovigilance Program
First standalone Blood Centre in India to participate in National Hemovigilance program conducted by National Institute of Biological

NAT Testing

WET Workshop
Attended Immunohaemotology Wet Workshop held by the asian association of transfusion medicine
Our Vision & Mission
We aim to become one of the most admired centres of excellence in the field of Blood Banking and provide the safest possible blood to the needy without taking replacement donation
ज़रूरत के वक़्त सभी को मिले सुरक्षित रक्त

Lion Mukesh Goel

About Lions Club International
The distinguished history of Lions Clubs International forms the foundation for nearly everything Lions clubs do today. From our humble beginnings to our commitment to sight initiatives, there is a significant basis for all our humanitarian services. Knowing and understanding our history gives us perspective and helps keeps our dedication for community service thriving. Lions have been helping people since 1917. That year, Melvin Jones, a Chicago businessman, encouraged his club, the Chicago Business Circle, to go beyond promoting good business practices. He convinced the members that selfless service to others would create a better community – and a better world – for all. Melvin Jones also saw that a network of clubs working together could do much more than individual clubs acting alone. He invited similar groups from around the United States to a meeting on June 7, 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. There, the Association of Lions Clubs was born. Later that year, a convention was held in Dallas, Texas, USA to formally adopt a constitution, by-laws and a code of ethics. The fledgling group became the International Association of Lions Clubs just three years later in 1920 when a new Lions club was formed in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Perhaps the single event having the greatest impact on the association’s service commitment occurred in 1925 when Helen Keller addressed the Lions at the international convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, USA. It was there that she challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” Broadening its role in international understanding, the association was one of the first nongovernmental organizations invited to assist in the drafting of the United Nations Charter in 1945 and has supported the work of the UN ever since. In 1957 the Leo Program was created to provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for personal development through volunteering. In 1968 Lions Clubs International Foundation was established to assist Lions with global and large-scale local humanitarian projects. Through our Foundation, Lions meet the needs of their local and global communities. In 1987 Lions Clubs International became the first major service club organization to admit women as members. In 1990 Lions launched their most aggressive sight preservation effort to date, SightFirst. The program strives to rid the world of preventable and reversible blindness by closing the gap between existing health care services and those that remain desperately needed. In the nearly 100 years since its founding, the association – usually called Lions Clubs International (LCI) – has spread to all corners of the globe where Lions are welcomed and respected for their vision, integrity and dedication to our official motto: “We Serve”.
Lion Manish Jain
General Secretary

From the Desk of General Secretary
Lions Blood Centre a premier project of Lions Club International Dist 321 Trust managing state of art Blood Centre at Shalimar Bagh, Parparganj area in Delhi and Parkar Mall ,Kundli, District Sonipat, Haryana and we are collecting blood units more than 20000 units per year from voluntary donation camps. We are very thankful to Corporate, Charitable Organisations and Individual donors to assist in organising blood donation Camps. We assure our best services and providing the safest blood to the needy patients. We would appreciate our Camps organizers and donors to provide feed back about our blood bank team as well as on our services on our official E-mail Id and Mobile No’s as we are ready to improve ourselves for providing better services to the Society.

Lion S.P. Goel
A Message from Treasurer
Our Values
Respect To affirm each person’s dignity and work.
To be honest and responsible to all we do.
To anticipate and exeed customer satisfaction.
To strive to be the best; doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.